The expert's tip :
This is a brief presentation of ICARE's features. Please check the examples. They provide a visual overview of what ICARE can do and how easily it can do it.
ICARE is integrated in GiD. This easy to use and powerful CAD software provides all the features to create complex geometries. In addition, as a part of the GiD, ICARE accepts a wide range of geometry formats (GiD, I-DEAS, DXF,…). Interface for specific formats can be easily developed under query.
The electromagnetic parameters of the simulation are edited through a graphic user interface. The user can assign electromagnetic properties to each part of the geometry. He can choose a source among the following list :
ICARE package allows the complete modelling of antennas, in particular :
ICARE is also well suited for Radar Cross Section (RCS) computations.
ICARE uses surface the EFIE / MFIE formulation and the famous method of moments (MoM) for analyzing general structures including dielectrics. Roof-top functions are used for describing geometries, which allows most flexibility for discretising surfaces. It features highly accurate matrix computation routines, which improves accuracy of obtained results on sensitive parameters such like VSWR. But it can also switch to lesser accurate computation, when speed is required. A LU out-of-core solver is used when the linear system exceeds the memory size of the computer. The parallelized version use the very portable library Scalapack.
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